Are You Feeling Pain In The Tooth After A Root Canal?
Posted on 1/23/2023 by Dr. David Wanserski
Although getting a root canal may feel scary to some, it is a necessary step if you have severe decay and infection is eating away your tooth. A root canal serves to clean an infected tooth, thereby preventing further infection by fitting a crown. Fortunately, the procedure isn't as painful as you may think. In a majority of the cases, having a root canal involves a simple procedure that just requires a local anesthetic.
Pain after Root Canal Completion
Once the procedure is completed, you have mild pain within the mouth that lasts for a few days. Often, the pain goes away as the healing process continues. The tissue around the site where the root canal was done becomes swollen and inflamed. There may be a little blood on the site. If you experience these problems and they persist, it is necessary to see our dentist so that you have the gums and teeth inspected because they may have become infected again.
Any Pain after the Healing Process?
During a root canal, a dentist removes the pulp and tissue underneath the tooth. In this pulp and tissue, there are nerve endings that help the tooth detect temperature and force or pressure. When the infected tissue and pulp are being removed in a root canal procedure, you may have some nerves in the tooth removed too. You may experience numbness for a couple of months after the procedure. However, this is normal. Essentially, the numb feeling disperses and the nerves within the surrounding teeth compensate for the ones lacking in the tooth that received a root canal treatment. When this happens, you hardly notice any difference between the treated tooth and the other teeth.
If you are having pain for over two weeks after receiving a root canal, set up an appointment with us ASAP so that we can examine you. Schedule your visit today.
Dental Blog | Wausau, WI | Wanserski Dental Center for Complex Dentistry Dr. David Wanserski, DDS, from Wanserski Dental Center for Complex Dentistry, has created this informative blog to help educate the community. Learn more. Wanserski Dental Center for Complex Dentistry, 550 N. 17th Ave. Wausau, WI 54401, (715) 848-2435,, 9/8/2024, Related Terms: dental implants Wausau WI,