There are many reasons for tooth loss including trauma, gum disease, genetics, and a lack of proper dental care. Fortunately, there are various replacement options like dentures that serve to restore function of teeth after tooth loss. Once you receive dentures, you will need time so that you adjust to them. If you get dentures, you will have to re-learn things such as speaking, laughing, eating, smiling and others with your dentures. Thankfully, millions of people have successfully adjusted to their dentures. But low long does it take to do so?
How Dentures feel like in the Beginning
The dentures will feel quite strange and foreign initially and it is completely normal. You may experience mild gum tenderness or even sore spots. You may also notice an increase in salivary flow, but this is temporary. You may have to schedule a follow-up visit to our prosthodontist in the first few weeks to get small adjustments made to relieve pressure on the gums. The good thing is that, with a little patience, you will feel more comfortable with the new dentures as days pass.
How Long it Takes to Adjust
Most patients adjust to their dentures in just weeks; however, the timeframe may depend on other factors. If for example, you had your teeth extracted recently, the gum tissue may be prone to irritation. It is important to realize that your case is unique and not like another patient. Ensure you follow the advice and recommendations you receive from our prosthodontist. That way, you will heal better, faster, and have a more comfortable transition period.
Make sure that you eat soft, nutritious foods to reduce discomforts. Try to chew food evenly on both sides to avoid the tipping of the dentures on one side. Keep the gum tissue and dentures clean by practicing good oral hygiene at home. Read and sing songs a loud to ensure you are more comfortable speaking. Schedule visits with our prosthodontist for follow-ups on how you are doing. To get dentures and learn how to adjust to them, visit our dental office.
Dental Blog | Wausau, WI | Wanserski Dental Center for Complex Dentistry Dr. David Wanserski, DDS, from Wanserski Dental Center for Complex Dentistry, has created this informative blog to help educate the community. Learn more. Wanserski Dental Center for Complex Dentistry, 550 N. 17th Ave. Wausau, WI 54401 / (715) 848-2435 / / 2/6/2025 / Related Terms: dental implants Wausau WI /