Why Drinking with a Straw Does Not Protect Your Teeth
Posted on 10/15/2023 by Office
Sipping some cold beverages on a sunny afternoon is the best feeling. Straw makes it easier to drink without straining. It also is a way of protecting your teeth from damage. However, it is important to note that while it has its benefits, it does not assure you of maximum protection for your teeth. Here are some reasons.
Contact with teeth
Your teeth will come into contact with the beverage. However, it prevents direct contact with your teeth. Before ingesting the beverage, it lingers in your mouth. This can have the same effect as drinking directly without a straw. The only difference the straw provides is limiting direct contact.
Benefits of using straw
Using a straw while drinking acidic drinks helps in limiting the contact with your teeth hence limiting the damage caused. The straw is perfectly positioned in your mouth helping prevent damage to the posterior teeth. therefore, excessive sugar and acids will not eat away your enamel.
Drinking water using a straw not only helps in hydrating your body but also protects your teeth. the concentrated flow of water from the straw may help wash away the remaining debris that might have formed on your teeth.
Disadvantages of using straw
As much as the positioning of the straw might help your teeth, if not well positioned, it might put anterior teeth in danger of cavities. When acidic and sugary drinks come into contact with your anterior teeth, their chances of decaying are high.
The excessive concentration of sugary drinks affects your tongue. No matter where your straw is positioned, any liquid consumed has to pass over your tongue. The tongue gets into contact with the teeth often, therefore, if not brushed off, your teeth might be at risk.
In conclusion, you are advised to choose your drinks wisely. The choice of drink is what is key to maintaining a healthy body and oral hygiene. Instead of going for soda, choose water since it helps in reducing the risk of excessive tooth decay and keeps your saliva production high. Call us today if you have more questions about straws and oral health. We are here to serve.
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