Losing teeth can affect our confidence adversely, especially when they are in obvious spaces. It also affects how we eat and talk, and could also threaten our oral hygiene. Thankfully, there are many dental solutions for replacing these teeth, essentially restoring your dental functions. These are the most common types of dental prosthetics that can help restore our beautiful smile.
Dental Implants
Dental implants are tiny titanium posts that act as artificial tooth roots. They are surgically placed inside the jawbone and are left to fuse with the jaw. Once it heals, it can receive and support an artificial dental crown. Dental implants are lifelong solutions for replacing any missing teeth, as long as the recipient has adequate jawbone mass to receive it. Dental implants play such important roles because they ensure the preservation of jawbone mass, and they also form a sturdy base for any other implant supported prosthesis.
Dental Crowns
A dental crown is a prosthetic in the shape of a natural tooth. It fits over a cracked or damaged tooth, so it comes in a color that matches the existing natural teeth. Our professionals also use dental crowns to replace completely damaged teeth or missing teeth. Although, they will require the placement of dental implants to receive and hold them in place.
For patients who have lost most of their teeth, or need to replace an entire row of teeth, dentures are the perfect solutions. They are artificial teeth fixed on artificial gums, and are custom-fit to the mouth of each patient. Dentures are usually removable for comfort and easy cleaning, but there is also an option for fixed dentures. Fixed dentures require 4 dental implant supports to hold them in place, and can last a long time.
Deciding which prosthesis is best for your missing teeth can be hard, but our professionals are always ready to help you choose the most suitable option. Just reach us today to schedule a convenient consultation.
Dental Blog | Wausau, WI | Wanserski Dental Center for Complex Dentistry Dr. David Wanserski, DDS, from Wanserski Dental Center for Complex Dentistry, has created this informative blog to help educate the community. Learn more. Wanserski Dental Center for Complex Dentistry, 550 N. 17th Ave. Wausau, WI 54401, (715) 848-2435, wanserskidental.com, 9/10/2024, Related Phrases: dental implants Wausau WI,